Category Archives: Uncategorized

This web portal has many great, useful features…now to tweak it!

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Why is it so great?

  1. It’s mobile and desktop friendly without having to switch between versions.  One design works great for both types of use.
  2. It can play audio & video.
  3. It provides a separate page for each venue which can be customized with the venue’s logos or anything else.
  4. It can be updated from anywhere through any browser without need of ftp or web design programs. (Although those will add a level of professional power that allows for virtually limitless design potential.)
  5. Through use of the special Gigs Calendar plug-in.  Multiple pages and links can be updated and created  with one post.  Tags and categories can allow for creative broadcast over virtually limitless social media sites, cell phones and other devices.
  6. Can be used for a full media content provider delivery system.  A new stop landing stage for all publicity photos, articles etc.  Fully media  content provisional/
  7. Lots more after I get some rest….  Oh yeah it’s highly customizeable, flexible and easily changeable and updateable. ~R.